Special General Meeting

The Council met on the 9th of February 2015 to decide on a move to seek membership of the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL).

This was a wish first expressed in 1988, but had many concerns on both sides of the divide resulting in a protracted debate on a number of issues. After much deliberation, constitutional changes and the arrival of a forward looking leadership in the NCCSL, a conclusion to the entry decision became opportune.

The NCCSL is a fellowship of Christian Denominations and Organizations. Some of its membership includes the Anglican, Methodist, Baptist churches, CTS and YFC. It is governed by an Executive Committee where the Chairmanship is periodically rotated among the heads of constituent member organizations.




The special meeting attracted a larger than expected number of our members who discussed the many issues in a cordial and efficient atmosphere. Some hot topics clarified at this meeting were that believer’s baptism is to be carried out on the wish of the person involved and the possibility to locate assemblies in local areas already populated by churches of member denominations.

The Government recognises the NCCSL as the grouping of Christian churches outside the Roman Catholic Church. Our joining with this fellowship would result in a powerful Christian voice in the country in representing the views of the church and resolving issues faced by all member churches. We ourselves would be a key player in the fellowship. After the suspicions and the concerns of the members were duly resolved, by noon time the house unanimously decided to accept the invitation to join the NCCSL for future growth and unity between the Christian churches.